Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Goodbye Toronto

Dinner out with the local gang.  We leave in half an hour.


  1. Your $120 million Blue Jays have blown their first two home-opening games. Aren't you glad you missed it? Having fun yet. or are you still jet-lagged?

  2. Looks like you are having a wonderful time. I love your state room...home away from home.
    The picture of you Peggy posing like the Buddha was great! A keeper. I like the one of you George with the Monkey.
    Nice to see you are shopping Peggy at the all the malls along with way! Woman after my own heart!
    Enjoy Phuket...I was first there in 1988 just after the town put up their first stop sign (not a stop light just a sign). I suspect things have changed a little since then.
    Safe travels & talk again soon, Susan
